If you operate a local state or county government organization then you are probably aware that the state of Texas has required all local, state, and county offices to participate in an annual Security Awareness Training Certification Texas. This Security Awareness Training Certification Texas is a requirement from the state of Texas legislature. This requirement was from house bill 3834. That’s often known as HB3834 Texas.
This bill from the legislature-up the state of Texas requires all government offices and organizations in almost any capacity to participate in Internet or cyber Security Awareness Training Certification Texas. This might feel like a lot of government bureaucracy. But we assure you it is not. The state of Texas has required Security Awareness Training Certification Texas because the state of Texas has undergone Mini cyber attacks from Internet sources from all over the planet and the biggest risk to your organization when it comes to cyber or Internet related security is from your users.

Security Awareness Training Certification Texas
The only way to prevent these major holes in your cyber security is to annually train your employees and users on how to identify and prevent cyber security risk. This is where Click Computers comes into play.
Click Computers is a Texas born and Texas bred cyber security certified team of professionals. Click Computers in central Texas is certified with the state of Texas to give you cyber Security Awareness Training Certification Texas.
Our team will come to your location and train your people and your employees on how to recognize and how to prevent cyber security risk. Our training only takes about 90 minutes. We will come to you and provide you with the training and a certificate to show the state of Texas that you have complained and completed the cyber security training awareness certification. In the filled your requirement for HB3834 Texas.
HB3834 Texas requires you to have your Awareness Training completed by June of each year. We have no idea why they chose the middle of June but that is what the house legislature required in HB3834 Texas period of course this is for all county city and state entities to participate in period so if you are then the central Texas area then call Click Computers to schedule your Security Awareness Training Certification Texas.
We will go from San Marcos all the way up till Waco up-and-down the I-35 corridor period of course we will work with all state city and county entities in the central Texas region. This includes Georgetown Round Rock Austin way go and all the way down to San Antonio. There’s nothing better than learning your Security Awareness Training Certification Texas from a true Texan. Don’t let your organization be exposed to a bunch of Yankees when you can have the real deal come to your officers and train your people on how to help you identify security risks and cyber intrusion problems quickly.
This could save you millions of dollars easily by just helping your employees identifying the risks and alleviate them before they become a problem. Security Awareness Training Certification Texas is due by June of each year. That includes the year 2020 and after.
If you have not prepared or know much about Training or HB3834 Texas then you need to call Click Computers of central Texas to day to complying with HB3834 Texas. Time is running out for you to get this required risk cyber security training. We are certified with the sage of Texas to train your team on how to be better prepared for Internet security issues.
We are not a bunch of weirdos we are real humans. We are not nerds were not geeks but we are professionals. Just like you and your employees are professionals your government organization. So we are not going to subject your employees and your users to a bunch of silly nonsense we are going to help your real people become better trained to identify the problems in today’s workplace. Those problems often come from Internet based risk.
The hardest thing about Internet in cyber security is that humans are the biggest security holes in the wheel. If we don’t train our people on how to identify and report security issues then security will always be a problem. That is why Security Awareness Training Certification Texas or HB3834 Texas is so elusive. You must have your team know what to look out for and how to handle it when the time comes. Yet they don’t know what to look for then they might just play right into the hands of the hackers. Hackers don’t care that your people are untrained.
We will travel to:
Williamson County
Travis County
Llano County
Burnet County
Bell County
Lampasas County
Bastrop County
Blanco County
Hayes County
Caldwell County
Mcleannan County
Cities that we will travel to and more:
Georgetown, TX
Austin, TX
Round Rock, TX
Pflugerville, TX
Hutto, TX
Cedar Park, TX
Liberty Hill, TX
Bertrum, TX
Burnett, TX
Lampassas, TX
Temple, TX
Killeen, TX
Harker Heights, TX
Copperas, TX
Belton, TX
Slado, TX
Jarrel, TX
Leander, TX
Taylor, TX
Rockdel, TX
Hordel, TX
Cameron, TX
Loreana, TX
Waco, TX
Crawford, TX
Hackers will take advantage of your users inexperience and ignorance to make sure that you have many problems. That’s why HB3834 Texas was written by the state of Texas. Cyber Security Awareness Training Certification Texas is a must to help your organizations defeat the hackers. Every day that you ignore this mandatory security training then you are helping the hackers when. That’s not how we do it in the state of Texas. As you don’t mess with Texas. We will come to your location and train your team on how to identify hackers and how to prevent issues from occurring or even spreading.
Security Awareness Training Certification Texas is due by the middle of June every year so there still time to have Click Computers of central Texas come to your organization and present a Certification Texas course. This course only takes about 90 minutes and when we are done we will provide every user a certificate of completion.